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Good Herbal Store

Astragalus Pancreas Health Formula 60 Capsules

Regular price $44.00 USD
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Astragalus Pancreas Health Formula 60 capsules

It has 13 ingredients:

  1. Anemarrhena Asphodeioides 30mg 知母
  2. Astragalus Membranaceus 68 mg 黄芪
  3. Coix Lacryma-jobi Var. Ma-yuen Stapf 33mg 薏苡仁
  4. Crataegus Pinnatifida Bunge 25 mg 山楂
  5. Dioscorea Oppositifolia 33 mg 山药
  6. Alisma Plantago-Aquatica subsp. orientale 25 mg 泽泻
  7. Lycium Babarum 25 mg  枸杞子
  8. Prunus Mume  33 mg 梅
  9. Pueraria Montana Var. lobata 33mg葛根
  10. Rehmannia Glutinosa   25 mg 地黄
  11. Schisandra Chinensis 12 mg 五味子
  12. Scrophularia Ningpoensis 25 mg 玄参
  13. Wofiporia Extensa 33mg 茯苓

This formula is designed to tonify the spleen Qi, rejuvenate the pancreas, kidney, Liver, and balance the glucose level or sugar level naturally.

For serious conditions, Take up to 6 capsules a day divided into three times; for moderate conditions, take 2 to 4 capsules, divided into one or two capsules twice a day, for borderline conditions, please take 1 to 2 capsules a day.


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